Now for the first time ever, South Georgian Bay will host its own Le Dîner en Blanc, thanks to local hosts Lori D’Agostino, Lisa Farano and Steven Vipond. “Le Dîner en Blanc captures the spirit of friendship, community, creativity and culture. Le Dîner en Blanc - South Georgian Bay will be deeply rooted in collaboration with our community, including artisans, restauranteurs, local suppliers and volunteers.” states host Lisa Farano. “We are committed to creating a distinctive, clever and dynamic event that connects with guests and leaves a long-lasting impression” states host Steven Vipond. “Our wish is to pay homage to this chic pop-up outdoor dining experience. Le Dîner en Blanc - South Georgian Bay will be interactive, immersive and undeniable” states host Lori D’Agostino.
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